(A) if you call me private or your name doesn't come up on the little blue screen - I'm definitely not picking up your damn call - when I answer the door I ask "who it is" - I'm certainly not opening it if there's a sign there that says "PRIVATE" - as for all of you privacy nuts that are afraid if your number or name comes up on someone else's phone the CIA may get a hold of it and drag you off to their SECRET DETENTION CENTER in New Mexico - this is the price you must pay. Leave me a message and I might call you back;
(B) To the other 48 people a day whose names actually come up on the little blue thing - if I don't pick it up one of four things is happening (1) I don't want to talk to you (and you probably know why) (2) I am in the bathroom - you know this cell phone things ain't water proof - and I never carry it in there - why would I? Do you want to hear me urinating in the background? No? Well I don't want to hear your ideas while I'm lathering up either (3) the battery is dead - stop calling so much and we can eliminate this problem (4) I'm sleeping - sometimes I even sleep during the early afternoon.
Just remember: I'm no dog - I'll call you back when I get a chance (or when I feel like it).
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