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What motivates someone to spend hundreds of hours attempting to prove a conspiracy (like those who think 9-11 was the work of the United States) when no matter what they tend to prove their efforts go nowhere? Is it ego? Is it the concept of “I told you so”? Because realistically all the time and effort and examination of this and that and the general outcome is usually “who cares?”. Really, who cares? I say it doesn’t change a thing. Is any of this “proof’ that the government was involved in killing it’s own citizens really going to change anything? Is there a smoking gun out there that will cause the whole government to be indicted? Or change the way men behave in general. You think if the government was indicted and convicted the next set of rulers would suddenly be a moral bunch? What’s the goal of proving a conspiracy (or even believing in a conspiracy)? There’s so many and I don’t see any real goal. How about that New World Order? When they finally prove it exists it will probably be too late - don’t you think? They’ll be some announcement in the New York Times indicating: “NWO ANNOUNCES ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT - MARSHALL LAW IMPOSED”. And when it happens some guy will stand up and say, “I told you so”. Again, even in retrospect, who cares? Im my humble opinion, all of this type of mystery proving behavior is really worthless. Take for instance those people who are obsessed with the end of the world. And in case you didn’t know about these people, all you need to do is Google “end of time” to see what they’re up to. One theory is some planet (often called planet X as either dark matter or invisible or currently unknown and yet undiscovered) is hurling toward us toward our doom and gloom. Again, if it is and they can prove it is - who cares? What’s the difference? See I told you we were all going to die from the great Planet X. Again, it must be ego. Then there are those pesky date doomsday lovers. Many believe 2012 is some mystical year of destruction. And in fact there’s 2009, 2010, 2011 (probably 3012) and some handful of other randomly picked years when it’s “definitely” all over for us. Unfortunately, the past dire predications never got there so there’s a need for new ones all the time. In case you forgot there was the year 2000 when all the computers were going to crash and the food supply chain was going to be wiped out. Not to be outdone by the myriad of previous predictions of past destruction of this planet that never came true. And yet, people continue to spend inordinate amounts (I say inordinate amounts) of time trying to prove the end of time. Trying to discover the date when the earth is going to go through this woe or that woe. When the asteroid will hit or the nuclear war is clearly predicted by the incoherent ramblings of dead people like Nostradameous or some other self-proclaimed soothsayer. When they do discover positively when Armageddon will finally (if that’s even possible) I want them to let me know what was the goal? I’m hoping the answer is something like “let’s re-set the axis of the earth so that the big end of destruction will whizz by and we can all look at it like some fireworks display”. You think that’s the answer we’ll get? Hm. Many of these predictions are naturally predicated on some religious text and mostly on god. For all the end-of-time-at-the-hands-of-god-people, I wonder if god would want them to spend all of or time and efforts on something they supposedly have no control over? I think the end of our respective time would be better spent not trying to figure out our collective end of time. Maybe something along the lines of helping people, sacrificing for people, and changing the world (even in a small way even for even one person) for the better. But again that’s just my opinion. In any event it supposed to be the END OF TIME so what are they trying to figure it out for? It’s not a lunch bell that let’s us know it’s time to eat but rather the last second of recorded time. Just like the announcement of some new world order, this end of time thing will probably blind side whoever is alive when it happens. I hope these discoverers of truth don’t get the date right and try to stop something that god supposedly wants in the first instance. I bet that would be some kind of major “sin”. “Who art thou who stopeth the end of time”? And (of course) it almost goes without saying that most of these god-is-going-to-end-it-all people devote so much of their time to discovering something that at least god in the new testament says is impossible to know (“therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour the Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42). So that brings us to the natural question which arises from all this, how should we spend our time if not to find it’s ultimate end? That’s a tough one. Ands an answer which depends on our values. What is it that we value? Some of us value eating - so we spend a lot of time eating. Some of us value people - so we spend a lot of time helping other people. What you do is really about how you view the meaning behind these examples.
1 comment:
Very nice site. It has good balance. FYI- bet the 5 Dog in the 6th race. He just took a leak. Later, The Future
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