Question one:
Can someone tell me what steps to take to accept Jesus as my savior?
Some sample answers to this question:
Baptism, Communion, Confession, Confirmation. This is what my religious family members do.
It is so easy Simply confess to being a sinner and that you need a savior. Then ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you . You will truly be a changed person.
Pray and meditate. Go to church for worship and get involved with study group, part of the Christian is community based.
Go to traditionalist catholic church and talk to a priest. He will tell you what to do.Don"t put it off, do it right now!
Knowing and accepting that Jesus died on the cross for us and accepting him as your personal savior and knowing that we are sinners. Then you are supposed to be Baptised.
First you have to take in accurate knowledge of him and his father by reading the Bible.
Call on Him to forgive you of your sins and confess that you are a sinner.
If you sincerely mean it simply pray: Lord, I know I am a sinner. I know you died on the cross for my sins. I ask you to please forgive me of all my sins. Come into my heart. I want you to be my Lord and Savior. Amen
The Church in your area, where you can join a Bible study, or the TV shows if you are unable to get out, the 700 Club is the best one that I know of. God bless you.
First I would suggest finding a church that you enjoy going to. There are all different kinds, please don’t let someone lead you astray and tell you all churches are the same.
You must admit you believe in Him, and He did all the works He is accredited with, believe He healed the sick, raised the dead, made the blind to see, cured the leper and that he was born of woman, the Son of God, spread the gospel, was crucified, died, and arose on the third day so we could be forgiven of our sins.
Sometimes it's tough to pray, but really all you have to do is say what you're thinking, either out loud, or in your head. You don't have to use this exact prayer, but this is what I said:
"God, I'm sick of being dirty. I'm sick of being a sinner. I need You to forgive me, and make me Yours. I want to be Yours, and be purified by You. Please forgive me. Amen."
The best one to tell you is the Bible: Romans 10:8 "...the word of faith which we are preaching, 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
I must accept His crucifixion as payment for my sins, personally. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13)
It is important to find a bible teaching church and become part of the body of Christ to help you grow in your walk with the Lord. Read the Bible daily.
Not one Christian said anything about being a good person, or doing good deeds, or engaging in self-sacrifice, caring about people - NOTHING! So I thought maybe I asked the wrong question. So I tried this one:
FOR CHRISTIANS - What do we need to do to be saved?
Some sample answers (MY COMMENTS ARE ADDED):
If you want to be saved, then honestly, believe that the Lord sent his Son, Jesus Christ to pay for our sins through his death. Accept this wonderful gift. (can I get a his and her matching box set for this gift?)
To believe in God, to believe, that Jesus died for your sins, to seek forgiveness, to repent and to sin no more, to follow the commandments and to be baptized (if I don't believe than I’m screwed!?)
Oh hon. You are searching for answers and can't find any? Surely someone has pointed you to the bible. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved". (one of my favorites - confess with my mouth!!!)
So you will be saved, if you honestly say, "Jesus is Lord," and if you believe with all your heart that God raised him from death. (Just believe! Hallelujah!)
I am a Christian. I have been saved for ten years...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. If you have ears to hear,, this is your answer. Shalom! (just believe baby - ya gotta believe)
So you go to God as you are and all you have to do is believe and you can be saved! You will want to change your sinful lifestyle to please God hope that help (all you have to do is believe - simple!)
Here is your answer: NOW, say this prayer....' Dear Jesus, Please come into my life. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose to life on the 3rd day. Please come into my heart. make it pure. Wash me with your blood. And please forgive all my sins. Amen." (say this prayer! is that all I have to do!!!)
Talk to Him just like you would if He were setting right there you don't have to do this aloud talk to Him from your heart tell Him you are sorry for all the bad things you have ever done and that you believe Him and need Him to come into your heart ("You have no idea how very sorry I am")
Only those whom God calls, who have come to know their position and sin problem and know their need for a savior, can truly confess Jesus as Lord. (has he called me? I have to check my messages)
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. (I got to believe "on" Jesus?)
I believe in that the Bible is the Inspired, Infallible, Inerrant Word of God. I don't listen to men, they are fallible, I listen to what the Bible says. (didn’t men write the Bible?)
Many of these people have been in churches for YEARS - 10, 20, 30 -- not even one percent of those who responded said anything about being good, treating people with respect, doing good deeds, emulating Jesus, being charitable – NOTHING! Instead they use the brainwashed term "sin" constantly, talk about believing “in him”, “on him”, “going to church”, and the like. Apparently Christians think the primary goal is a belief and a belonging. Is this what Jesus taught us? Is there then a tremendous failure of organized religion to instill that morality is more important than being part of some group? That helping people should not be subservient to kneeling and eating a wafer? I had to press on with on last question. It can’t be that Christians aren’t focused on being good people - could it? So here it is:
What does it mean to be a good Christian?
Give up all your possessions .
Don't question anything your preacher/pastor/priest tell you.
Put Jesus and others ahead of yourself knowing it pleases God (and is what he did) and that he will bless it.
Concern yourself not over behaviors of the flesh. Instead concern yourself over salvation and growing in the spirit of God
First of all we are converted and we set an example and we follow the ten commands.
Wow. What’s going on here? Thousands of years of tutelage and studying of the Bible and countless churches and sects of Christianity and few if any Christians say anything about being a “good person” or “being moral”? It can’t be! What about other religions? Let’s press on with this next question:
Jewish people! What does it mean to be a good JEW?
A few samples of some answers:
A good "jew" follows talmud, torah, sabbath, makes pilgramage to wailing wall, understand faith and purpose of the LORD. and focus attention to create peace and harmony through out the world.
Read the mythology follow the observations, gentiles suck
Talk to a Rabbi. I can almost guarantee that it means different things to different Jews, though. To me it means following the laws of Judaism to the best of your individual ability.
Ok - so there you have it. Is religion a total failure with regard to instilling a focus on people which is central to being moral, good and of a high character? You be the judge...
If you really want to know, read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Being a Christian is not about being nice and generous, though kindness and generosity seem to exude from good Christians. You ask good questions, though....
I believe you have to remember that typically being a good person comes with being a good christian. And you learn the morals and values you should have by studying the bible.
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