I’ve written prior blogs on the values of conservatives. But in retrospect it seems conservatives is too broad a category. So in order to exemplify where these amoral values arise from, I want you for a moment to put yourself in the position of a person with untold wealth. A person whose existence and whose family’s existence is among the most pampered and luxurious on the planet. Whose way of life is free of hassle and unrestricted. Whose subsistence is not predicated on daily work but rather is secured by untold wealth. If you are such a person, your primary values might encompass your desire to protect your position of wealth. If you are so inclined and also equally devoid of principles of self-sacrifice and morality, your means of maintenance and protection of your wealth is unrestricted. That is to say, you can kill thousands, even millions provided your wealth is sustained. You can enslave a populous as long as your position is unaffected. Would or could the American Aristocrat assassinate someone in their way? Would or could they rig an election? Would or could they commit horrendous crimes against humanity? And as I’ve noted previously, it goes without saying that people who hoard inexplicable levels of wealth are inherently immoral. Not to mention that history has shown us that the god of mammon has no bounds.
Clearly, the first step to the protection of your wealth is to obtain power. For it is in the maintenance of power that you can dictate the world around you toward the protection of your wealth. When we inquire as to why the wealthy are so enthraled with political life, why a billionaire would run for mayor, why the most affluent Americans seek the white house, why the wealthy contribute to political campaigns, we must look exclusively to the protection of wealth. For it is through political power that the wealthy American Aristocrats have command over a vast military force and access to the intelligence of the nation. It is through political power that these wealthy American Aristocrats can avoid, manipulate and create law toward the further protection of their wealth and positions of power. It is through political power that these wealthy American Aristocrats can manipulate the systems of agriculture, manufacturing and government toward the creation and sustenance of their wealth. But power is not only a means to an end but also a means in itself. For once you have adequately filled these positions of power (either individually or vis-a-vis a puppet presence) your secondary goal now becomes the maintenance of these positions of power. The maintenance of the presidential seat; the maintenance of judges in positions of power who can eliminate the checks and balances our forefathers desired; military commanders who will fall in line; the manipulation of congress toward your agenda. It seems to reason that the means available to maintain power for a moral-less human are limitless and would include murder, manipulation, black mail, and even genocide. To the use of people and their lives like pawns in a game of chess: used for a time to increase the wealth and power of the Kings and Queens and then sacrificed when their usefulness dissipates.
Therefore, in any accurate assessment of the actions of our American government (now and in a historical context since execution of JFK) we must look first and foremost to their exclusive underlying motivations - the protection of both their wealth and their positions of power. We must understand that any explanation they offer for some action or some behavior other than these is a product of pure fiction. Any alleged higher purpose, any alleged affiliation by way of statesmanship or allegiance to country, any concept of some threat which you must be protected against, any indication of the common good or the higher purpose of men, are fictional tools toward covering up their underlying goals. It may not have always been this way. But in the current leadership, it seems inalienable. In fact, any explanations other than those which can clearly be linked back to protectionism must also be reviewed in a secondary way - it’s intermediary purpose. What is the purpose of the statement or action toward the ultimate goal? Is the statement or action intended to create some response toward the ultimate goal? Is the statement or action made to create some mind set toward the ultimate goal? Is the statement made to cause some action or lack of action toward the ultimate goal? So while the ultimate identifier of the action or statement must be the simple revision of the real goals, when they are unclear the secondary intermediary purpose of these statements or actions must be ascertained in relation to those goals. They must be examined in the context of the ultimate purpose: the maintenance and health of the wealth and power of the American Aristocrat.
Sadly, these American Aristocrats are well versed in human behavior and are familiar with the human condition. They understand that allegiance to some pack is more powerful than the truth. And (aside from placation vis-a-vis subsistence) one of the greatest single tools of manipulation has been their call to some sense of community and allegiance to some group of people toward a common goal. The waving of the American flag, the constant reiteration of the ideal of freedom, the illusionary democratic elections of other wealthy American Aristocrats, the call to stand strong for your country - all fronts for their maintenance of wealth and power. And while the significance of this call is not lost in both the political and religious realm of control, the American Aristocrat also understands the equally effective tool of fear. The power of increasing the punishment for criminal behavior or civil disobedience; the fear of potential punishment for the threats made against the American Aristocratic government and it’s self-serving actions; the historical threat of some created outside force which we require protection from; continual laws created for purposes of narrower and narrower control via fear. Mixed in among their various methods of non-coercive-control is the fear of god. But when fear fails to quell the human desire to be free, and the break-down of some allegiance to a common cause becomes weakened, and when survival itself is in real and imminent danger, in times of such a crisis the only remaining tool left for the American Aristocratic government will be the establishment of forceful control and elimination of the populous. What could cause such a crisis? There are a number of likely candidates. We can begin with the laundry list of disputed potential often discredited and “wacky” causes: things like global warming, peak oil (energy shportages), the collapse of the dollar and the American economy, food shortages (especially in the wake of energy shortages), and population expansion (in light of diminishing resources). Any one of these items could potentially cause civil unrest and anarchy as food shortages and lack of subsistence become prominent in America. And if such a scenario were to occur, the first people the American public would seek relief from are the people who hold the means of subsistence. The people who have established the bunkers under ground; the people who control the enormous military machine they have built off the backs of the American people; the people who have access to what remains of the wealth of the county; the people who have the technology and the reserves to attempt to maintain their positions of power and wealth - or even their survival; the American Aristocrat and the American Aristocratic government. If any one of these “wacky” things were actually to occur we would need only ask the question: Does anyone honestly believe that the American Aristocrat would relinquish it’s wealth and power in the face of some national or global calamity? Or share the remaining wealth with the populous? Clearly the answer is no. Never-the-less is there some proof that the American Aristocratic government is currently actually concerned that some “wacky” thing like the dollar collapse could turn in to the destruction (or diminution) of their positions of wealth and power? Is it possible that the American Aristocrat is fearful of the potential backlash from an American middle class whose is accustomed to food and basic subsistence at levels which are beyond adequate? In order to answer these questions we need to first look at what potential plans the American Aristocrat could conjure up to combat such a scenario. Or perhaps what plan they could implement to extinguish a known future crisis. We have to hypothesize the possible ideas they pass around with their wealthy cohorts from around the world at the Bilderberger meetings. What pamphlets they pass out at Trilateral Commission meetings. What plans they discussed at Bohemian Grove. We must ask the question: If I had all the money and power what plans would I have in the event of a melt-down? What planning would I be acting upon in advance of a likely or anticipated crisis? Once we answer these questions we must look to the statements and actions of the American Aristocrat and it’s government and ascertain whether there are signs that these plans are in fact being implemented.
The simplest solution to maintaining their positions will be forceful control; both in the actual confinement of people and in the use of people for the maintenance of their positions. Forced labor and confinement (by use of the military and police forces) is the most basic and easiest implemented plan. This will essentially mark a shift in American history from non-coercive control to forceful control. But such a plan would seem to be unlikely on a national level. Look at the result of hurricane Katrina. The basic inability to control the area (or lack of an attempt to do so) indicates that total national control would be impossible. Even implementation of the American military would make such a scenario unlikely as sufficient resources to control a country the size of America are lacking. The plan would most likely involve a requested control (submission) with the presence of local police forces and national guard troops in conjunction with total actual military control of selected areas. And finally followed by abandonment and the elimination of a significant portion of the populous. Ultimately, submission being a pretext to abandonment under which much of the country will be left to die off as it annihilates itself under the pressure of decreasing and diminished resources, sickness and violence. Since this is the easiest plan to enact, we’ll start with an examination of this possibility. Essentially a three stage plan of (1) national control via submission and the use of local police forces and national guard forces followed by (or in conjunction with) (2) the total military control of selective areas of America and ultimately (3) abandonment and destruction of the exterior population at it’s own hands or possibly via biological warfare.
To begin we must understand the potential problems of control in times of significant crisis - even on a limited basis. You the wealthy American Aristocrat will undoubtedly be faced with a number of problems if such an event does occur. The first problem you will face in implementing control by submission is the American Constitution. That’s right, the document which professes to confer the right of American citizens in times of peace and in times of crisis NOT TO BE CONTROLLED WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW and which permits FREE ASSEMBLY possess the most significant obstacle to your initial ability to establish a peaceful (yet) forceful control. Certainly, there will be rouge elements which will interfere with your plans. American citizens who might seek to organize themselves and obtain some semblance of power or a threat. The constitution has been a powerful document geared toward stopping you and it will require significant weakening in order for this forceful control to be effectuated. Local police and national guard troops must have an initial ability to forcibly control members or groups of people while the remaining population is thrust in to fear of a similar fate or lulled by a false sense of security. A means to prevent any organization or mobilization of people when resources might be initially available. When these areas of abandonment realize that they have in fact been abandoned, the must be in a state of non-recovery such that it will be too late for them to act. So you will initially require some semblance of order and in order to establish that initial order under martial law you the wealthy American Aristocrat will need to make sure that you have already abolished basic rights which could stand in your way. Perhaps the creation of laws which will permit the easy detention of American citizens who try to assemble peacefully? Perhaps the elimination of court access for violations of basic human rights?
The second impediment to submissive control is the United States congress. For while the congress is in fact a micro-representation of the American Aristocrat, there is a potential for a power struggle which must be eliminated. You the American Aristocrat can not risk the possibility of some moral dilemma arising from the ranks of congress. From some attempt by a few hundred men to re-insert principles of fairness and morality in to your plan to maintain your wealth and power. You can not risk congress inciting the American people to action by some dissident voice. Your ability to by-pass the congress will therefore be essential to ensure that the American sheep will not sense any dissent in the implementation of initial control. Your power can not be called in to question such that post-crisis initial plans are somehow thwarted. Another problem involves scale. Man’s basic survival instinct is tremendous. Picture if you will hoards (millions) of people unable to eat and you see tremendous potential for an attack on the remaining resources. You either have to eliminate this attack or (in some or multiple ways) diminish it’s potential. False hope in the initial stages will be necessary. “Help is on the way” will fill the airwaves as you hunker yourself down in to the bunkers. The quiet quenching of the American citizen’s will, while you wait for disease, the lack of food and supplies and medical attention to take effect and devastate a nation (and perhaps the world?).
Finally, you must prior to any crisis be able to work in clear and plain sight of the populous without giving them enough to go on. That is to say, you must prepare for their demise while maintaining an air of normalcy. You must at all times prevent panic which would thwart your preparation, or worse result in some power base which could potentially threaten you position before your plans were implemented. You must be able to change the laws and limit the rights of the American citizen so that your plan can have it’s desired effect. How do you prepare in advance for imminent civil unrest without arousing suspicions? How do you conduct national exercises aimed at quelling civil unrest without causing an uproar (and the civil unrest in advance)? How do you remove political rights of a people without a collective outrage. We can get detailed here but for now I’ll note that you start by controlling the media and ultimately the means of communication. By discrediting any allegation of anyone who could provoke some thought regarding your methods and plans. Labels like lunatic and traitor come to mind. You must certainly create some other reason for all of your preparatory action. Some lie which will be believable enough that those sleeping American citizens will remain asleep just long enough for you to take the necessary preparatory steps set your plan in motion. Perhaps the threat of some outside force? Perhaps an allegation that everything is being done FOR YOUR BENEFIT?
Now for the meat of this discussion. You already know the answers to the above questions. You already know that the cold war, communism, and now terrorism have been used to create and build military might. That some fake concept of a terrorist threat is now being used to limit your rights as an America citizen. If you don’t know do some independent research in to the following: Patriot Act of 2001 (extended in 2005); the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (which allows for the suspension of habeas corpus and the practice of torture and rendition); the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 (which facilitates the declaration of martial law and nullifies posse comitatus by allowing the President to station troops anywhere in the country and to commandeer the National Guard without the consent of local authorities); and, finally, the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007, which in the event of a catastrophe would place all governmental authority in the hands of the President. You also already know that the government under the guise of terrorist acts has been practicing martial law. If you don’t know, do some independent research on these upcoming events: United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has announced plans for an anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises.
See also, from the Department of Homeland Security Web site:
(http://www.dhs.gov/xprepresp/training/gc_1179430526487.shtm): “October 15-24, 2007, the TOPOFF 4 Full-Scale Exercise (T4 FSE) will feature thousands of Federal, State, territorial, and local officials. These officials will engage in various activities as part of a robust, full-scale simulated response to a multi-faceted threat. The exercise will address policy and strategic issues that mobilize prevention and response systems, require participants to make difficult decisions, carry out essential functions, and challenge their ability to maintain a common operating picture during an incident of national significance” I’m wondering what these difficult decisions will be?
For centuries the American Aristocrat has used and manipulated capitalism toward creation of their wealth and power. Billions of dollars spent on defense in the name of some horrendous outside threat that never materializes. Communism, Vietnam, the cold war, and now the threat of terrorism. The creation of the department of defense, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, FEEMA, the Department of Homeland Security, all in the name of protecting you. But has this been or is this the real the goal of these agencies? Or was their creation a means for the American Aristocrat to ultimately create and then control a diverse body of intelligence and force to maintain their own power and wealth? Organizations truly aimed ultimately at the elimination of threats to their wealth and power. Or maybe to be used as future tools against the serfs of the land. The snake fed for 100 years so that it could eat it’s own tail. The dollar a hollow tool of the wealthy to enslave and then destroy the people. And now, in times of potential food shortages, energy shortages, rising temperatures, and population explosion, it seems the time may be ripe for the snake to feast.
It is not hard to retroactively find fault with a civilization who by it’s own selfish desire to build and maintain wealth sent an entire global population down the road to disaster. Whose systems of capitalism established the concentration of wealth in the few and an acceptable way of life for the many. Of an American Aristocratic government that sold it’s people down the river. That failed to develop alternative fuels but instead for profit sucked the blood out of every last drop of oil. That created worthless fiat money and unparallel debt. Perhaps in the heart and souls of some American Aristocrats there is some godly desire to establish some viable plan for the survival of mankind and for America. Alternatively, perhaps the plan is and has always been to use and suck the life out of the middle and lower classes, to brainwash the patriot in to silence, to create an impenetrable military force for personal use, all as a means to create and protect their wealth and power? In either event it seems certain that plans have been implemented to selectively protect the American Aristocrat’s survival. The question then becomes: what are we the American People going to do about it?
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Great work.
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