We must devote special attention to the problems of those on the margins, those lacking adequate food or shelter, those addicted or mentally ill, those whose neighborhoods have been decimated by crime...It's not enough to give them justice. We must also give them hope” - George Bush on the American Poor
Eerily similar and yet totally contradictory these statements express some of the main tactics used by the America Aristocratic government to control the populous. When communist principles threatened the systems used by the wealthy and powerful they used fear to dispel the threat. And while fear (i.e. of communism or terrorism) is their first and most often used method, equally as useful is a much more subtle tactic of control - the installation of false hope.
“If that (criminal) boy...believes he is trapped and worthless and hopeless -- if he believes his life has no value, then other lives have no value to him -- and we are ALL diminished” - Geroge W. Bush
How does a lack of hope diminish us “ALL”? It really doesn’t - the lower classes are already diminished. The reference here is a call to the wealthy to offer the lower classes some “hope” as a means of control. The American Aristocrat and it’s government is bent on one thing - protection and extension of their wealth and power. They continually couch this desire in the precepts of doing good - for the poor, for others, and for the world. But at the heart of every methodology is a means toward helping themselves.
“When they have hope, they will produce, they will be good citizens” - Thailand's Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra July 2003
Essentially instilling hope can quell the resentment of being in an inferior position; or a position of subjugation; or a position of poverty; or a position of social or economic disadvantage; or political oppression. As a tool, it has been used time and time again by the wealthy elite in this world to quell dissent and for the purposes of protectionism against the potential wrath of the lower classes and poor bodies of people in this world. And while they indicate that their desire is to help the lower classes and the poor from their self-destruction, what they really fear is the situation where the lower classes and poor rise up to threaten their positions. These strategies of instilling hope are being used all over the world to keep down the masses - but they have been especially implemented in the United States. In fact, while the talk is always of progress, the actions of the Aristocratic American Government are consistently geared toward maintaining the status quo. What means is best method to establish a sense of hope in people? The first step is the installation of a belief that they are free.
“Advancing freedom and democracy is at the core of helping us win the war on terrorism, because when people have freedom, they have hope...” - George W. Bush
The basic strategy is at the core of the American Capitalist system and involves the use of a capitalist Trojan Horse of fake wealth and a mythical carrot and stick of freedom to anaesthetize the middle and lower classes. Capitalism in the form of advantageous wealth building for the elitist wealth power base and democracy in the form of the election of only wealthy members of society toward their own goals and ends are each devised and used as a means to instill false hope in to the American system of use, misuse and rape of the people. Do we really vote for people who “represent” us? No - we vote for alternating puppets of the American Aristocrat.
"[Crime is deterred]...when people have a stake in society and they have hope." - Arthur Donato, Jr., sociology professor at Villanova University
The middle class and upper middle class and even the wealthy are placated with a stake in society. The beauty of the American Aristocratic manipulation is that any stake will do. From simple hope in an ability to obtain some economic prominence, to actual wealth, to false wealth predicated on debt, the spectrum of classes is covered. On the very lower rung of social classes, where the lack of any advantages leaves citizens unable to make moral choices, the tools of control (prison) and elimination (the death penalty) are ultimately used. And as a tool the focus remains firmly on simple control or elimination without any regard to the soul of a man. Nor the fact that his particular situation was in part contributed to by the polices of the Aristocratic American who seek only to protect their positions. In order to steer people away from the actual consequences of the American system as implemented by this force, and to maintain the continual ruling of this country by a few wealthy and their power base, secondary tools are used. These include the Blame Game in which failures of the lower classes to over-come their predicaments is used blame the people themselves. This in effect distracts the lower classes from the true causes of their condition to some alleged “opportunity” they have to become somebody. The propaganda of the wealthy includes the use of labels such as “lazy”, “uneducated”, and “dysfunctional”. Of course what this blame fails to take in to account is ADVANTAGE. How much easier is it for a person who has some or many advantages to improve or maintain? And while there are exceptions, for the very depleted lower class these are often more the product of luck chance and circumstance than bona fide effort.
With the majority of Americans either content to live on a faux (debt filled) wealth system which only serves to the benefit of their masters, or with sufficient wealth, the powers that could incite change are adequately subdued. Clearly the lower classes, the poor, the uneducated, the people with the fewest connections, with the least reliability and with the least credibility do not pose a real political threat in relation to the American Aristocratic position. The middle class and upper middle class are content to empower the same people who will keep their existence safe. The fat cow sees no benefit to charging the farmer.
“Where there is suffering, there is duty. Americans in need are...priorities. And all of us are diminished when any are hopeless” - George W. Bush
Consequently, the only threat that the lower American classes could pose is physical. The physical threat of violence, the physical threat of theft. Nevertheless, providing basic subsistence to the lower classes is an essential part of controlling the populous. One of the most concealed tools of the wealthy (and especially those who label themselves liberals and democrats) which is used to lull the American lower classes in to complacency is the welfare system. The beauty of welfare is that while it gives the air of compassion and sharing, what it essentially does is disempower people in to a state of perpetual inaction. It is a further form of slavery in that it leads to a generational mind-set which permits the acceptable use of welfare as a means of subsistence at a level which is just sufficient enough to prevent the loss of “hope” that is required to contain the poorer populous in to inaction.
“The proletariat of the world has but one enemy, the capitalist class...We must refuse to put into the hands of this enemy an armed force even under the guise of a democratic army...” - Republican Party Platform of 1916
And now that they have the money and the power they also have the military and police. How long will it be before they turn them on us to take final control of the system? Final control of America? Who will remain wealthy and who will remain in power? And how will they do it?
Capitalism's ability to permit upward mobility acts in the same way that false hope does - it creates a stake. And just like the stake many have in false hope, the stake is illusionary. In the end, the only non-illusionary wealth is the power. In America seizing power has been a peaceful and unobtrusive process. Permitted by the consolidation of wealth which was then used to exclude the middle and lower classes from real and effective representation. As the laws which were once paramount to freedom become more limited to the current leaders, the only conclusion we can make is one in which the hyper-wealthy will ultimately maintain the wealth in another form. In other words, in a system where money has no real value, power and control will ultimately be the only non-illusionary wealth that there is.
So what? So what if we are in fact ruled by an elite group of billionaires who control the flow of money, the interest rates, the economy? A group who have consolidated tremendous wealth and access and control and political power? Who put their interest above and beyond the people of this land? “So what” you say? In 2007, one-out-of every 200 people Americans is a millionaire and it's expected that one-out-of-10 people will be millionaires within the next decade. Are all of these so called millionaires going for the ride? Are they going to share the power? Of course not. You millionaires need to pay attention at this point to truly understand the possibilities. And to help you see the possibilities I ask you some simple questions:
(1) If the dollar and the economy collapses what will your wealth really be worth?
(2) What will be valuable if the dollar and the economy collapses?
(3) Who keeps pumping fiat money in to the economy and accumulating debt in the name of our Nation and why?
(4) Where does you food come from? Do you have a farm?
(5) Could you farm and real estate be taken by your governemnt?
I’ll answer these for you: Force, control and power will be the only wealth. But even force without the "color of law" is devoid of authority so we give you the latest line up of written powers provided by your governemt:
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
# EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency.
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. The money powers prays upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed." - Abraham Lincoln (1864)
The “so what” is more than just some moral precept of fairness; of what is right and wrong. Because while what is right and wrong is paramount to me and many Americans, what is more paramount is the survival of America as a nation in which we live as free people and not economic slaves. The American people are safe and shortsighted to the fact that their safety has now been placed in the hands of a wealthy Elite which meets openly to discuss the best possible means of enslaving the world. But go back to sleep America and until you have been enslaved, remember what pappa Bush says:
“To kids in our cities, don't give up hope. Say no to drugs; stay in school. And, yes, Keep hope alive" - George H. W. Bush
Sir, you are so right in this blog and what you have described here is the world along with America that will fall under the anti-christ. All of this has been put into place to ulitmately fulfill God's will and create a new heaven and earth as spoken in the Bible where Jesus will reign. He is the only "real" HOPE. The George Bush's of this world use His name for their own purposes but they will all "understand it better by and by" as the old gospel tune goes. This whole system that has been engineered through executive orders will allow "one man" as the Bible speaks of "that age old beast" to reign and the world thinks terror is bad now, just wait. Each country in this world is in the process or already has established basic "martial law" orders to allow this person to move right in to power and even "the elect in Christ will be deceived" (per the Scriptures). Check out what the European Union is doing. This isn't just in America. We are all being duped it has just taken America longer because we have been established as a Christian nation under God by our Constitution signers and would by nature of that be much more resistant. We have been indoctrinated to "trust" our government by our schools since we first attended. Our parents have been duped and I believe the wars we have been involved in have been engineered. The next and probably last crisis that will ultimately bring us down as a super power will be economical collapse within which will affect the rich and poor alike because as you stated the money will be replaced by the wealth of "power and control" and the ultimate person who will have it will be the anti-christ. What I see is the rich fighting among themselves clamoring to be that person. Maybe that's what is going on now with this election crap. Hilary would love to be that person more than anyone. Anyway, to quote the Bible..."when you see these things, look up, your Redemption draweth nigh".
Scary stuff. I'm going to download these Executive Orders for myself to see if what you say is true. It probably is, but I just like to check the source material. I think I'm the only one among my political friends who bothered reading the Military Commissions Act. People "pontificate" on things they discuss, but never take the time to go to the source.
I have to say I agree with your assessments. We've basically lost the Republic. When I say "we" I mean every generation before us from probably Woodrow Wilson's administration and forward. They didn't love freedom enough to REALLY fight for it. The reason "their" plan worked is because of our moral downfall for greed and safety. We love our lives and our luxuries more than our freedom and doing what's right.
Ironically enough, I see the Amish as the most in tune with the idea of America as a Christian nation. After reading some of your other posts, I come to 2 obvious conclusions about you: You are very smart and you do not agree with any religion, much less Christianity. With that said, I am a Christian and I think we can agree to disagree and come together to combat a common enemy. Namely, any organization that threatens the Republic and destroys the freedoms of Americans. So interesting that in these times, those on the left whose religious views differ so vastly find things in common with true Christians. I can also hear those of the amoral, criminal set saying "This is what we've been saying all along! Why did it take you so long to realize you were being duped?" They already have their underground economy and rules of barter and exchange. I'm going to start taking notes. :-)
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